110 min • Ian, Ivy, Ned, and Alissa discuss the wide-ranging Best of 2021’s lesser known titles. We touch on over 35 small (and not so small) releases from this strange year that gave us COVID variants, an intensifying “streaming vs theaters” debate, the mixed return of the blockbuster, the embrace of modern Black and White cinematography, and the vast number of terrific directorial debuts (from actors, a playwright, a novelist, and a composer)!
Visit Letterboxd for the full list of films mentioned in this episode.
The Brattle Film Podcast is the official podcast of Boston’s unofficial film school: The Brattle Theatre. Join Ivy, Ned, Alissa, and Ian as they discuss the latest virtual and theatrical releases, festival programming, upcoming series, Brattle news, and more, every month on The Brattle Film Podcast. Comments, questions, and feedback always welcome at BrattlePod@brattlefilm.org.
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