Watch trailer for Gas! -Or- It Became Necessary to Destroy the World in Order to Save It.
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Gas! -Or- It Became Necessary to Destroy the World in Order to Save It.
Opens on October 13
Director: Roger Corman Run Time: 79 min. Format: Digital Projection Release Year: 1970
Starring: Ben Vereen, Bob Corff, Bud Cort, Cindy Williams, Elaine Giftos, Talia Shire
Corman put a cap on the 1960s—and, essentially, his entire directing career—with this bonkers hippie sci-fi freakout filled with call backs to his past work. In GAS! an experimental weapon leaks from its containers and kills everyone over the age of 25. Brattle Debut
Triple Feature with THE WILD ANGELS and THE TRIP