It Is Not the Homosexual Who Is Perverse, But the Society in Which He Lives
- Tue, Feb 25
Director: Rosa von Praunheim Run Time: 67 min. Format: DCP Release Year: 1971 Language: German
Starring: Bernd Feuerhelm
Many films have been called ‘revolutionary,’ but IT IS NOT THE HOMOSEXUAL… truly earns that description. The breakout film by director and activist Rosa von Praunheim (aka Holger Mischwitzky) became a foundational text of the German gay rights movement, and its call for liberation reverberated through the history of queer cinema. [The film] follows Daniel, a young gay man who tries to assimilate into the traditional way of life before realizing that it’s ultimately futile and finding his place in the gay liberation movement. If it sounds didactic, well, it is – but von Praunheim isn’t a complete scold. He empathizes with Daniel as he attempts to fill the void in his life by fleeing into ‘a romantic world of kitsch and ideals’ before discovering that another way is possible. – Joe Hoeffner, Collider