Watch trailer for The Cable Guy
Watch trailer
The Cable Guy
Opens on December 27
Director: Ben Stiller Run Time: 96 min. Format: 35mm Film Release Year: 1996
Starring: George Segal, Jack Black, Jim Carrey, Leslie Mann, Matthew Broderick
Jim Carrey is completely unhinged as the bizarre cable guy who insinuates his way into the life of one of his clients (Broderick) in this mid-‘90s cult classic. Reportedly starting life as a much lighter comedy, THE CABLE GUY went through several rewrites, with each version getting darker and darker. It went so dark, in fact, that director Stiller, star Carrey, and co-writer/producer Judd Apatow started to pull back during production resulting in the perfect mix of sinister and silly in the finished film. Brattle Debut