The Net
Director: Irwin Winkler Run Time: 114 min. Format: Digital Projection Release Year: 1995
Starring: Dennis Miller, Diane Baker, Jeremy Northam, Sandra Bullock
Please Note: Due to an issue with our 35mm projection system, THE NET will screen in a digital format.
Angela Bennett (Bullock) is a freelance cybersecurity prodigy who works remotely and keeps to herself due to her distaste for, well, everyone. After a co worker sends her a mysterious disc that seems to connect to supposedly secure websites, Angela becomes the target of a dangerous group of cyber-terrorists that suddenly strip away her identity and put her on the run. This neat and occasionally nasty noir-thriller holds up surprisingly well —especially considering that what felt like over-the-top paranoia in 1995 now seems almost quaint in our world of the Dark Web and rampant identity theft. Brattle Debut!
Double Feature with JOHNNY MNEMONIC