Opening Night: Wildhood
Director: Bretten Hannam Run Time: 107 min. Release Year: 2021 Language: English, Mi'kmaq
Starring: Joel Thomas Hynes, Joshua Odjick, Michael Greyeyes, Phillip Lewitski, Savonna Spracklin
Spotlight Feature
When Link discovers his Mi’kmaw mother is still alive, he runs away from home with his younger brother Travis, in a desperate gamble to start a new life. They’re soon joined by Pasmay, a pow wow dancer drawn to Link’s story. Together they embark on a Two-Spirit odyssey, reconnecting with culture and the territory of Mi’kma’ki in Nova Scotia, Canada, while trying to find Link’s mother, Sarah.
Welcome to the opening of the 38th Wicked Queer: Boston’s LGBTQ+ Film Festival. We are honored to present Bretten Hannam’s poignant coming of Age film Wildhood.
This event is proud to be co-presented by: North American Indian Center of Boston