Watch trailer for Out of the Past
Watch trailer
Out of the Past
Opens on May 25
Director: Jacques Tourneur Run Time: 97 min. Format: 35mm Film Release Year: 1947
Starring: Jane Greer, Kirk Douglas, Rhonda Fleming, Richard Webb, Robert Mitchum
75th Anniversary!
Considered by many to be the apotheosis of the film noir genre, OUT OF THE PAST features Robert Mitchum as a small-town gas pumper who finds himself drawn back into his old life when he was working for a mob boss (Douglas) and wrapped around the finger of a femme fatale (Greer).
Please Note: As of April 20, The Brattle will no longer require proof of vaccination/negative test result to attend our events, however masks are still required except when actively eating or drinking. Please visit theĀ Covid ResponseĀ page for complete details.