Super Fly
Director: Gordon Parks Jr. Run Time: 93 min. Format: 35mm Film Release Year: 1972
Starring: Carl Lee, Julius Harris, Ron O'Neal, Sheila Frazier
50th Anniversary!
Youngblood Priest (O’Neal), a tough and successful drug dealer in Harlem, longs to go straight and settle down with his woman. His plan is to sell a million dollars’ worth of cocaine in four months and use the proceeds to fund an escape from his criminal life. But, when you’re in the pocket of “The Man,” it’s never that easy to quit.
SUPER FLY was controversial upon release both in the Black and white communities for glamorizing dealers and pimps—supposedly it’s the film that the term ‘blaxploitation’ was coined to describe—but its standing as a pop culture icon cannot be denied. Additionally, the location shooting in Harlem is an essential document of that time and place and initial investment by African American business owners meant that the community had a real stake in the film from the beginning.