This edition of the Brattle schedule is particularly heavy on repertory screenings. We’ve got some fun screenings in our annual Reunion Week series and some stunning new restorations. Though we’re sad to not host a new edition of Noir City Boston, we’re highlighting the achievements of the Film Noir Foundation in a brief series. And we’re bringing back the Wachowski Sisters retrospective that never was (originally scheduled for April of 2020!). And there’s more! Check out the lineup and come join us for some great classic films on the big screen! And don’t miss out on the fantastic new films we’re playing too: NEPTUNE FROST, HIT THE ROAD, MONDOCANE, and IL BUCO are all gorgeous and definitely deserve your attention!
The Brattle’s new early spring calendar arrives from the printer soon! Can’t wait to get your hands on a copy? Check out the online calendar or download a PDF.
Tickets for select events are now on sale. Please remember to share your favorites with friends via email, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!
Highlights include:
- May the 4th Be With You
- New Digital Remaster! Back in Release! INLAND EMPIRE
- Happy Mother’s Day! PSYCHO
- New Digital Restoration! OUT OF THE BLUE
- Premiere Run! IL BUCO
- New Uncut Restoration! RUDE BOY
- Repertory Series: Reunion Week 2022
- One Night Only Premiere Event! FREAKSCENE: THE STORY OF DINOSAUR JR.
- Repertory Series: The Pop-Art Cinema of the Wachowskis
- Premiere Run! MONDOCANE
- NOIR CITY: Boston 2022
- Premiere Run! NEPTUNE FROST
- Happy Father’s Day! THE SHINING
- Premiere Run! HIT THE ROAD
- Michelle Yeoh x2: New Restorations! THE HEROIC TRIO and EXECUTIONERS (aka THE HEROIC TRIO 2)
- Documentary Series: The DocYard
- and more!